Why I can't update obj status with all controller related down as well as all webhook has been deleted?

I want update obj.Status.Phase with kubectl just change this dv(datavolume) obj from PVCBound to Succeeded

I down all controller related to this crd and remove all webhook.
I think right now, there are nothing else will reconcile this crd. Therefore I can update Status.Phase succeeded.
While when I edit it and change its PVCBound to Succeeded
It still return to PVCBound phase

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.25
Cloud being used: (put bare-metal if not on a public cloud)
Installation method:
Host OS:
CNI and version:
CRI and version:

You can format your yaml by highlighting it and pressing Ctrl-Shift-C, it will make your output easier to read.

In my opinion, there are only related controller and webhook will change a obj.
While the phenomenon reflects there are still something controller the obj.
Can someone help me?