World writable files were found on the system of Kubernetes installation

Hi All,
As part of security scan in the machines of our Kubernetes enviroment, it reported vulnerabilities saying “World writable files were found on the system” for the paths:

Is this Kubernetes creates this writable paths and its as per design?
Will this harm the system?
Is this potential issue or false positive?
How this can be resolved?

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: v1.23.1
Cloud being used: bare-metal (VMware VMs)
Installation method: kubeadm yaml
Host OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.1
CNI and version: Calico v3.21.2
CRI and version: CRI-O v1.23.0

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Versions are different but I’ve found the same behavior. Any updates?
OpenScap is quite angry with those files :wink: