Can I have single service to call multiple selector pods for each different path?


IngressRoute has multiple paths.

General process is to have Two services for each path as the Port is same.
/test1/health–>> service1
/test2/health–>> service2

Service1–>> Selctor PodS(pod1)
service2—>>Selctor PodS(pod2)

Question :
Can I have single service to call multiple selector pods for each different path?

IngressRoute has multiple paths.

General process is to have Two services for each path as the Port is same.
/test1/health–>> service1
/test2/health–>> service1

Service1–>> Selctor PodS(pod1)
service1—>>Selctor PodS(pod2)

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version:v1.20.11
Cloud being used: Azure
Installation method:
Host OS: Linux
CNI and version:
CRI and version:

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This is what Ingress is for