Charmed Kubernetes 1.18.0 beta available

Eager to try 1.18 before it’s released? The Charmed Kubernetes 1.18.0 beta is now available, and is easy to deploy and operate on a variety of public clouds, on-prem virtualization, and bare metal.

To try it out, follow the quick start instructions, appending --channel edge to the command in Step 6.

Some updates coming in Charmed Kubernetes 1.18 include:

  • Kubernetes 1.18
  • Ubuntu 20.04 - Preview release of Focal Fossa support
  • Multus networking - Preview release of Multus CNI support
  • CephFS support
  • CIS compliance - Support for CIS benchmark 1.5

Have questions or need help? Join us in #cdk on the Kubernetes Slack!