Conversation from bytes to proper scale format in PVC Status.Capacity

I’m endeavouring to comprehend how the conversion for the Status.Capacity[v1.ResourceStorage] field of a PVC is executed. For instance, it transforms bytes into the appropriate size limit with rounding to the next integer. For example, if a PVC is created with 1321231111 bytes requested .Spec.Resources.Requests.[v1.ResourceStorage], but in Status.Capacity[v1.ResourceStorage]`, it will be represented as 2GiB (because 1321231111 bytes equals approximately 1.230492359959 gibibytes, which rounds up to 2 Gi). So, I’m attempting to locate where and how in the code this conversion is implemented.

Ok i found it here: kubernetes/staging/src/ at 9f4b82bf3b079fe868effbd2498b61464db6d459 · kubernetes/kubernetes · GitHub.

But now the question why then this code snippet:

	memorySize := resource.NewQuantity(1321231111, resource.BinarySI)

1321231111, and not 2 Gi?