Every cluster has at least one worker node

The kubernetes documentation (Kubernetes Components - Kubernetes) states that every cluster has at least one worked node. Is there a reason why every cluster must have at least one worker node at al times? Can I not create a cluster without any worked node with only master components to start with and add nodes (worker nodes) later as required?

You can create a kubernetes cluster without worker-node that’s called single-node kubernetes cluster and its behaves like a master/worker node same. Example minikube. Every cluster has at least one worker node that means if you are deploying a kubernetes cluster one node is for control plane and one node is for workloads. That’s easy to maintain. So these lines following concepts of one node for control plane and one node for worker(workloads–Pods,Deployments) node. And you can add later worker nodes as well with help of tokens which is given by kubeadm when you deploy your first control plane cluster it gives you for add worker nodes.

Thanks @tej-singh-rana. That helps answer my question :slightly_smiling_face: