Is it possible to construct k8s of three nodes which act like control plane and worker together?

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Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: v1.28.2
Cloud being used: No
Installation method: APT package manager
Host OS: Debian 12
CNI and version: Calico, Quay
CRI and version: Containerd 1.6.24-1

I use one “Control Plane Node” and two “Worker Nodes”.

Because of expense, I can’t add addtional Worker Nodes anymore.

In my case, Is it possible to construct k8s of three nodes which act like control plane and worker together ?

I am sure that is possible. You will need to:

  • build an etcd cluster of 3 nodes
  • run 3 kubeapi processed
  • put a LB in front of kube api
  • run 3 kube-controller-managers - only one will work, others will participate in election
  • run 3 kube-schedules - those will work in parallel (I assume)
  • remove taints from all nodes

That should do the trick.