Facing issue in upgrading cluster from 1.20.0.to 1.20.1-00

Getting this error while upgrade:
Command used: apt-get install kubeadm=1.20.1-00 kubelet=1.20.1-00 kubectl=1.20.1-00

E: Version ‘1.20.1-00’ for ‘kubeadm’ was not found
E: Version ‘1.20.1-00’ for ‘kubelet’ was not found
E: Version ‘1.20.1-00’ for ‘kubectl’ was not found

Tried in Katakoda Kubernetes playground

hey @Surbhi_Pathak
You can use apt-cache madison <package-name> to search available versions to install. If it’s not available then update it first (apt-get update)
Reference link -