Cluster information:
Kubernetes version: v1.25.6
Cloud being used: bare-metal
Installation method: dashboard-deployment.yml file
Host OS: N/A
CNI and version: d.k.
CRI and version: d.k.
Hello fellow users,
we have k8s cluster up and running and successfully using oidc with ‘kubectl’ program, configuration snippet is like this:
- oidc-login
- get-token
- --oidc-issuer-url=
- --oidc-client-id=k8s_sandbox
command: kubectl
It is running quite well, I am able get/manage cluster resources which I have access to using kubectl.
Couple weeks ago I’ve installed Dashboard v2.7.0+0.g42deb6b32 among with oauth2-proxy.
I managed to get it up and running and pass the user to the Identity provider and get back to the Dashboard.
However, Dashboard are now empty, while displaying ’ Logged in with auth header" when clicking to the user’s icon.
The dashboard logs is full of records like these:
[2023-12-04T10:38:30Z] Incoming HTTP/1.1 GET /api/v1/namespace request from
Getting list of namespaces
Non-critical error occurred during resource retrieval: Unauthorized
[2023-12-04T10:38:30Z] Outcoming response to with 200 status code
I was trying to turn on the debugging information at the Dashboard logs but unable to find relevant option in documentation.
Could you please tell me it there is a way to identify and fix the issue?