Go Client - exec-ing a shel command in pod

Hello community,

I have the following code, leveraging the Kubernetes go client for executing a shell command in a pod programmatically:

// ExecuteRemoteCommand executes a remote shell command on the given pod
// returns the output from stdout and stderr
func ExecuteRemoteCommand(pod *v1.Pod, command string) (string, string, error) {
	kubeCfg := clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(
	restCfg, err := kubeCfg.ClientConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err
	coreClient, err := corev1client.NewForConfig(restCfg)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err

	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	errBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	request := coreClient.RESTClient().
			Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", command},
			Stdin:   true,
			Stdout:  true,
			Stderr:  true,
			TTY:     true,
		}, scheme.ParameterCodec)
	exec, err := remotecommand.NewSPDYExecutor(restCfg, "POST", request.URL())
	err = exec.Stream(remotecommand.StreamOptions{
		Stdout: buf,
		Stderr: errBuf,
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed executing command %s on %v/%v", command, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)

	return buf.String(), errBuf.String(), nil

I find there is some flakiness in this code - I sometimes get output from the shell command and I sometimes don’t. The command I’m using it ls, so it should always return some output.

exec.Stream() is synchronous, right?

Has anybody had any experience with similar functionality?

I’ve faced same question, the reason I found should be this: when you input the cmd to execute in container/pod, you may lost ‘LF’ or ‘CR’, cmd cannot be execute, so there is no output.

So I changed input methods, just like Kubernetes/dashboard, using sockJs to send cmd to pod/container. sockJs will do the job to add ‘LF’ or ‘CR’, every cmd input would be a whole executable cmd, so we can get the correct output.

I realized what the problem in that piece of code was - it’s the stdin argument. Setting it to false fixed my issue.

For me it seems like this snippet fails indeed on the SPDY negotiation part. Even with STDIN=true;

Any other ideas for a robust kubectl exec in golang?

When i looked into the code, this seems to ultimately return a ‘nil’ value

func  (s *SpdyRoundTripper) NewConnection(resp *http.Response) (httpstream.Connection, error) {
	connectionHeader := strings.ToLower(resp.Header.Get(httpstream.HeaderConnection))
	upgradeHeader := strings.ToLower(resp.Header.Get(httpstream.HeaderUpgrade))
	if (resp.StatusCode != http.StatusSwitchingProtocols) || !strings.Contains(connectionHeader, strings.ToLower(httpstream.HeaderUpgrade)) || !strings.Contains(upgradeHeader, strings.ToLower(HeaderSpdy31)) {
		defer resp.Body.Close()
		responseError := ""
		responseErrorBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("whoops ")
			responseError = "unable to read error from server response"
			fmt.Println(err, responseError)
		} else {
			// TODO: I don't belong here, I should be abstracted from this class

			if obj, _, err := statusCodecs.UniversalDecoder().Decode(responseErrorBytes, nil, &metav1.Status{}); err == nil {
				if status, ok := obj.(*metav1.Status); ok {
					fmt.Println("why are we returning nil????", *status, ok, obj)
					return nil, &apierrors.StatusError{ErrStatus: *status}

I suppose that returning a nil value isnt ‘good’ but is somehow valid, and then something breaks downstream from this. Note im running client-go on ubuntu 18, and talking to a Kind cluster. Not sure if that somehow might result in
SPDY behaving badly.


So, after digging more , i saw that the NewConnection function in rounttrippers.go, actually returns

func (s *SpdyRoundTripper) NewConnection(resp *http.Response) (httpstream.Connection, error) {

The following:

enter  &{404 Not Found 404 HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Content-Length:[487] Content-Type:[application/json] Date:[Mon, 17 Feb 2020 04:06:04 GMT]] 0xc000552200 487 [] false false map[] <nil> <nil>}

Hence somehow the upgrade request is getting 404’d.

For what it’s worth, I had to modify Stanislav’s code to get it to work. I think there’s been some updates to the api since his answer or something. Here’s a version that works for me.

import (

	v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"

func ExecuteRemoteCommand(pod *v1.Pod, command string) (string, string, error) {
	kubeCfg := clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(
	restCfg, err := kubeCfg.ClientConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err
	coreClient, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(restCfg)
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err

	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	errBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	request := coreClient.CoreV1().RESTClient().
			Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c", command},
			Stdin:   false,
			Stdout:  true,
			Stderr:  true,
			TTY:     true,
		}, scheme.ParameterCodec)
	exec, err := remotecommand.NewSPDYExecutor(restCfg, "POST", request.URL())
	err = exec.Stream(remotecommand.StreamOptions{
		Stdout: buf,
		Stderr: errBuf,
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%w Failed executing command %s on %v/%v", err, command, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)

	return buf.String(), errBuf.String(), nil
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@MatthewTromp thank you for your example. That worked for me as well!