Cluster information:
Kubernetes version: v1.24.1
Host OS: MacOS Cataline 10.15.2
Dashboard: 2.5.0
Installation method:
I followed many articles to install my Kubernates-Dashboard service
- wget
- Edit recommended.yaml to change “type” and “nodePort”, type → NodePort(rather than ClusterIP),nodePort → 30443
- Then check pod status : kubectl get svc -A | grep kubernetes-dashboard, it starts on the right way
kubernetes-dashboard dashboard-metrics-scraper ClusterIP <none> 8000/TCP 29m
kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard NodePort <none> 443:30443/TCP 29m
- Then I tried to view in Chorme and Safari, It could not show the website, but Firefox could.
- Then I tried many ways like change the dashboard certs, remove secret config in yaml file and restart again. They all did not work
I don’t want to set the safety white urls in Chrome, then what can I do?
Any ideas?