Kubernetes behind pfSense

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.15.3 kubernetes
Cloud being used: ( bare-metal)
Installation method: KubeSpray
Host OS: Proxmox hypervisor and CoreOS virtual machine
CNI and version: Calico
CRI and version: Docker

I am trying to be able to access some of my service in the outside world, but I am stuck on this part
My Kubernetes cluster was created following those steps (I am using a Bare metal server)

  • I install an hypervisor (Proxmox)
  • Create 4 virtual machine for Kubernetes (2 master, 2 nodes on CoreOS), and 1 pfSense
  • I provisioned everything using KubeSpray
  • Install metalLB as load balancer
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      namespace: metallb-system
      name: config
      config: |
        - name: default
          protocol: layer2
  • I installed nginx-ingress

So far so good, I have an external ip address but since the Kubernetes cluster is behind a pfSense, I have an internal ip address which is
I would like to be able to enter a subdomain name and access some of my services. For example I type myservice.domainName.com and be redirect to a specific service like an url for example
I was thinking that maybe I should use a reverse proxy on the host ? But I am not sure. Any recommandations ? Even a tutorial could help me

Thank you in advance

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i’m stuck at the same spot. I can ping the ingress from the external world but unable to access http port. I thought HAproxy is necessary but after reading pfsense’ docs i changed my mind since i had one master.
I guess the problem lies with NAT forwarding, when i find a solution I’ll notify you. Best of luck!

I actually solved my problem since a long time ago and completely forgot to reply here.
I was pretty new to pfSense and networking by then :sweat_smile: and I changed a lot of things from then. BUT like you said it was just a NAT problem actually…

At first I did something quite complicated by installaing haproxy in pfSense and it was working. Later as I get a better understanding of networking, I just removed haproxy and added two simple nat rules from wan to the ip address of metalLB. On the port 80 et 443.

Hope it will help

EDIT1: Of course it will work if you pfSense has your public ip address otherwise I am not so sure how to do it, I would say probably with more NAT rules


Yesterday i installed HAproxy in pfsense and nothing worked haha. Guess i’m on your steps, i never installed metalLB ( quite new to the technology ). I’m using OVH and exposing pfsense with a Fail Over IP since i’m trying to accomplish a CARP cluster in a later stage. I’m pretty stuck at DNS resolution, idk how to make pfsense route the ingresses i create back to the kuberenetes API, that’s what led me to install HAproxy.
I’m also running everything in VMs on proxmox as yourself. I’ll try your setup. Thank you!

Ok please note my networking knowledge is far from great, I did not what was CARP before today :slight_smile:

First of all I am not using Proxmox anymore (I am using libvrit with Terraform) but when I was still using it I managed to install k8s on it and route things properly. MetalLB is quite simple to use, if I am not wrong you will need to have an external ip to access your stuff outside of your k8s cluster,

So I will explain clearly what I did, I install metalLB and nginx-ingress, please keep in my mind my pfSense has my pubic IP address.

For MetalLB I cnfigure it in Layer 2 like so (see here https://metallb.universe.tf/configuration/#layer-2-configuration)

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: metallb-system
  name: config
  config: |
    - name: default
      protocol: layer2

After this I got an ip address in the range so let’s say Notice that this range of ip address is a network which pfSense has access to.

After I created ingress rules, check that my ingress get the external ip address provided by MetalLB, checked I can access the service inside the k8s cluster using the metalLB ip address.

Then I created a NAT rule in pfsense from my WAN to the ip address of metalLB
so the routing will be something like that
WAN => pfSense => MetalLB IP adress => Nginx ingress (domain for example)

I dunno if it’s enough clear

Just the part about ingress rules. For everything else i have the same setup.

You need an ingress rule otherwise, your routing will stop at MetalLB. MetalLB just create an external ip address, I don’t think it does something else

After I believe it’s not an obligation to create ingress rule to test, but just for the sake of example

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx-internal" => I have two ingress if you only have one you do not need to precise this
    app.kubernetes.io/name: deluge
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: kubectl
    app.kubernetes.io/component: server
  name: deluge
  namespace: seedbox
  - host: deluge..domainName.com
      - backend:
          serviceName: deluge
          servicePort: 8112
  loadBalancer: {}

So if I complete the routing stuff it would be as follow

WAN => pfSense => MetalLB IP adress => Nginx ingress => get the domain name => go he correct service

Maybe try to check the logs of MetalLB + nginx ingress.

Are you sure you did the NAT properly ?
Maybe also try without fail over at the beginning

Thank you for the quick replies. I now have a more general understanding of what is going on. There are broken pieces in my mind about certain parts of this. Guess i shouldn’t jump between things and better understand each component as you did.
Since you had this going on for you for a while, one last question. Do you like it? what are the cons of having such a setup?
As for me the reason i wanted to use pfsense is that in production we only have HAproxy in front of the cluster.

I just wanted to have PFsense in front of everything for security reasons.
since you told me you switched to something else, i wanted to know your opinion on this.

So I did this in a homelab to learn about k8s + pfSense.

I did not change too many thing just:

  • using libvrit with terraform
  • and moving my cluster from a kimsufi server to a NUC
  • use k3s instead of k8s

I am still using pfSense and I would quite recommend it as a firewall even for personal use, it’s quite good and there are a lot of resources. I find it hard mainly because my networking knowledge is still kind of poor
Now about k8s, I would say it’s another story, it’s quite fun for personal use and I learned a lot and keep learning. Now for professional use , I think calculating the cost it’s quite complex. However I can maybe give a few advises:

  • Be sure to already have a bit of devOps culutre before moving to k8s (usage of container, automatic CI/CD, ect…)
  • If you only have a few project with a few container and do not deploy often, I would see k8s could be overkill. A Docker compose would be preferable
  • if you have a lot of containers and need to push in production a lot, it’s a perfect tool
  • it’s gonna break at the beginning since it’s the learning curve is really steep
  • Don’t forget to set resourceQuotas and limits (great resource https://learnk8s.io/production-best-practices)
  • As this video is funny and may look stupid, it will tell you a few things to not do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wvEwPLcLcA.

Feel free to pm if you any other question, good luck to you, have fun :smiley:

EDIT: Where I work a french company we have a pfSense in front of almost everything, it will clearly improve your security but I find it hard if no knowledge in networking otherwise it’s quite a breeze to use if you already got good networking knowledge

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Haha i enjoyed the video, guess that’s why you used terraform xD
I experimented with k3s myself and wrote a few articles on kubernetes https://kyouuma.blogspot.com/
If you’re interested in a carp setup i have a tutorial for that as well.
As you said, the biggest challenge lies in networking. I’ve been doing devops for a year now and used kubernetes/compose in production but never had the chance to build anything from the ground up to the application layer.
That’s why i committed to doing it with pfsense.
I also work for a french company, they all like PFsense a lot :stuck_out_tongue:

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