This week, your hosts talk to Ihor Dvoretskyi, Developer Advocate at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, about SIG-PM, the Special Interest Group for Kubernetes Program, Product and Project Management.
Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know:
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News of the week
- Tensor Processing Units (TPUs for short) are now available in Beta from Google Kubernetes Engine
- Tom Gallacher’s heart rate admission controller
- CNCF case study on Northwest Mutual Bank
- Pulumi released their Cloud Native SDK
- Join the Kubernetes 1.13 release team!
- Run Akka Cluster in Kubernetes
- Elliot Forbes’ See-CAD notes
- Advanced health check patterns by Ahmet Alp Balkan
- Sysdig raises $68.5M
Links from the interview
- Ihor Dvoretskyi on Twitter or GitHub
- SIG-PM - Program, Product and Project Management
- SIG-PM Intro Talk from KubeCon EU 2018