Evan Powell is the CEO and chairman of MayaData, the corporate sponsor of OpenEBS, which has just joined the CNCF Sandbox. He talks to Adam and Craig about Cloud Native storage, chaos engineering for stateful workloads, and the stubbornness of hybrid clouds.
Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know:
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Chatter of the week
- Cricket and rugby on the same day
- Poseidon’s Anchor bass
- Black Mirror and The Rain
News of the week
- Docker bug allows reading/writing host files
- Kubernetes bug allows containers to run as root
- Palo Alto Networks announces intention to buy Twistlock
- Kubernetes Node.js client library 0.9.0
- CKA now valid for 3 years
- Microsoft news:
- AKS available in South Africa North
- OCI types and Helm 3 charts in Azure Container Registry
- Azure Monitor supports Windows Server nodes
Links from the interview
- OpenEBS
- Now a CNCF Sandbox project
- A year later: updating Container Attached Storage by Evan Powell
- MayaData
- KUBEMOVE (and on GitHub)
- NDM, the Node Disk Manager
- Evan’s talk at SDC 2017 with Homer Simpson references
- New storage technologies:
- Optane/3D XPoint for DRAM-like storage
- NVME over Fabrics
- Fast fabrics
- Litmus (and on GitHub)
- The mule logo: OpenEBS, MayaData