List of images on a node: kubectk get no -i json missing some images


i’m trying to list images of a node in the same way docker images does.

Following a hint on StackOverflow I thought kubectl get node -o json would be the solution, but I see that there are pods that are not listed there.
First question: is it correct? shouldn’t the output show all images on the node?

Note I’m working on a single node test environment, so no possibility that the image is in another node.

On official docs I see that they always start from pods, to get the images. That’s partly ok but it will not show all images that are no longer used.

Is there an equivalent of docker images?
Is there an equivalent of docker system prune?

You can do kubectl get po -A to get all the images on a node. No, kubectl doesn’t have a command similar to docker system prune.

Kubectl get pods -A 

will list all pods from all namespaces (assuming you have the right role assigned to your user).

I am not aware of a kubectl command to get all images from a node.

In order to prune images you should use the GC (garbage collection) feature (Garbage Collection | Kubernetes). And tweak the thresholds.

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Thanks a lot. I was unaware of this. I’ll have a look at it.

Nevertheless, I’m wondering: what do you get when you run kubectl get no -o json?
why do most of the images appear there but some do not?

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My guess would be update interval of kubelet…but I never dove into it

do I understand correctly that if it was simply update interval that would change with time… the situation is just the same since 5 days.

Just to show what I men:

adk-b1-staging:/home/share/setup-cluster # kubectl get -n adk pod adk-vuejs-5d9d444dfd-nmz6b -o json |jq '.spec.containers[].image'
adk-b1-staging:/home/share/setup-cluster # kubectl get no -o json|grep quasar
adk-b1-staging:/home/share/setup-cluster #                                            

No images for this pod are listed by kubectl get no -i json

adk-b1-staging:/home/share/setup-cluster # kubectl get -n adk pod adk-django-5cfc54df58-ntdh6  -o json |jq '.spec.containers[].image'
adk-b1-staging:/home/share/setup-cluster # kubectl get no -o json|grep django
adk-b1-staging:/home/share/setup-cluster # kubectl get no -o json|grep office2018

Many different versions of the image are listed for another pod. These are just images build by me and deployed in what I consider the same way…

can you post the full output of:

kubectl get node -o json 
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "items": [
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "kind": "Node",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "": "0",
                    "": "",
                    "": "",
                    "": "true"
                "creationTimestamp": "2022-01-17T09:48:14Z",
                "labels": {
                    "": "amd64",
                    "": "linux",
                    "": "amd64",
                    "": "adk-b1-staging",
                    "": "linux",
                    "": "true",
                    "": "microk8s-controlplane"
                "name": "adk-b1-staging",
                "resourceVersion": "2881383",
                "selfLink": "/api/v1/nodes/adk-b1-staging",
                "uid": "4ff78599-96aa-42a2-9c2c-611ba9a81437"
            "spec": {},
            "status": {
                "addresses": [
                        "address": "",
                        "type": "InternalIP"
                        "address": "adk-b1-staging",
                        "type": "Hostname"
                "allocatable": {
                    "cpu": "4",
                    "ephemeral-storage": "80415192Ki",
                    "hugepages-2Mi": "0",
                    "memory": "8045856Ki",
                    "pods": "110"
                "capacity": {
                    "cpu": "4",
                    "ephemeral-storage": "81463768Ki",
                    "hugepages-2Mi": "0",
                    "memory": "8148256Ki",
                    "pods": "110"
                "conditions": [
                        "lastHeartbeatTime": "2022-01-27T12:06:52Z",
                        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-01-27T12:06:52Z",
                        "message": "Calico is running on this node",
                        "reason": "CalicoIsUp",
                        "status": "False",
                        "type": "NetworkUnavailable"
                        "lastHeartbeatTime": "2022-01-29T17:22:57Z",
                        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-01-17T09:48:14Z",
                        "message": "kubelet has sufficient memory available",
                        "reason": "KubeletHasSufficientMemory",
                        "status": "False",
                        "type": "MemoryPressure"
                        "lastHeartbeatTime": "2022-01-29T17:22:57Z",
                        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-01-17T09:48:14Z",
                        "message": "kubelet has no disk pressure",
                        "reason": "KubeletHasNoDiskPressure",
                        "status": "False",
                        "type": "DiskPressure"
                        "lastHeartbeatTime": "2022-01-29T17:22:57Z",
                        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-01-17T09:48:14Z",
                        "message": "kubelet has sufficient PID available",
                        "reason": "KubeletHasSufficientPID",
                        "status": "False",
                        "type": "PIDPressure"
                        "lastHeartbeatTime": "2022-01-29T17:22:57Z",
                        "lastTransitionTime": "2022-01-27T12:05:57Z",
                        "message": "kubelet is posting ready status. AppArmor enabled",
                        "reason": "KubeletReady",
                        "status": "True",
                        "type": "Ready"
                "daemonEndpoints": {
                    "kubeletEndpoint": {
                        "Port": 10250
                "images": [
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 274659667
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 274657654
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 271048684
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 271036808
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 271030951
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 271029353
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 271028136
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270939162
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270859211
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270837554
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270836445
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270835551
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270832282
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270831577
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270822049
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270817643
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270792483
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270738917
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270701303
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 270633702
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 258012282
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 258007996
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 258004630
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 257995041
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 254356951
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 254356200
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 254159501
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 254148597
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 251887812
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 192760111
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 192147336
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 184777884
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 184775168
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 184773734
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 184771429
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 180590950
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 180103065
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 176093978
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 173432159
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 172903703
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 168725615
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 157394966
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 140931776
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 140930181
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 140928568
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 140927203
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 140922940
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 140211869
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 140207743
                        "names": [
                        "sizeBytes": 124718236
                "nodeInfo": {
                    "architecture": "amd64",
                    "bootID": "ad49df19-17ea-42f8-afb9-44f50f44d9ad",
                    "containerRuntimeVersion": "containerd://1.5.7",
                    "kernelVersion": "5.4.0-94-generic",
                    "kubeProxyVersion": "v1.23.3-2+d441060727c463",
                    "kubeletVersion": "v1.23.3-2+d441060727c463",
                    "machineID": "766e1146e79e48faa25a3a02ebaa13ed",
                    "operatingSystem": "linux",
                    "osImage": "Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS",
                    "systemUUID": "766e1146e79e48faa25a3a02ebaa13ed"
    "kind": "List",
    "metadata": {
        "resourceVersion": "",
        "selfLink": ""

What version of kubernetes are you using?

Sorry, I somehow missed your question. I’m using latest stable microk8s with 1.23.3


below is th command to list all downloaded images on your kubernetes cluster, even the one that are not currently in use:

kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r ‘.items.status.images.names’ | grep -v ‘@sha256’ | sort -u

If you want to see images on a specific node:

kubectl get node -o json | jq -r ‘.status.images.names’ | grep -v ‘@sha256’ | sort -u

It work with kubernetes 1.30


Hey, I have tried the commands from your post, but it didn’t work out for me. There are some images it is not listing. My kubernetes version is 1.29.4.