Metallb layer 2 access denied

Hello everyone

i have one master and two nodes , my cluster is bare metal kubernetes , for having a loadbalancer i have choosed metallb . for first step i decided to use layer2 . every thing look great as my service got its external ip from the ip pool. i have made the ip pool in the same network of the nodes . i configed my kubernetes just like all manual which are in the internet ( choosing nginx image for creating deployment and choosing Loadbalancer for the service type and also port 80 as the container port).

Now when i curl http://ExternalIP from my master or other node , nginx responses.

But the problem is that , there is no access to the external ip from outside of my cluser . i also have no access to the external ip from the same network ips.

when i check the logs there is some “ARP responder” logs , but there is no access to http://Externalip:80

the firewall service is stoped in my master and all nodes .

i have also enable proxy_arp in my master and nodes .

So …please tell me …“How can i access my metallb layer2 loadbalancer with external ip from outside of my cluser ?”




Is the externalIP pool in the same IP range as the hosts? The external IP pool MUST be routable on the host’s network for it to function.

thanks for your response , yes , as above photos show , my external ip , has the same range ip as the master and nodes .

you were right . one of my nodes was in different range and vlan , when i changed node ip , my problem has been solved , thanks

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