MicroK8s V1.19 and running in three node with High Availability. How to troubleshoot and fix this error properly?
snap list :
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
microk8s v1.19.2 1769 1.19/stable canonical✓ classic
sandeep@microk8snode1:~$ microk8s inspect
Inspecting Certificates
Inspecting services
Service snap.microk8s.daemon-cluster-agent is running
Service snap.microk8s.daemon-containerd is running
FAIL: Service snap.microk8s.daemon-apiserver is not running
For more details look at: sudo journalctl -u snap.microk8s.daemon-apiserver
Service snap.microk8s.daemon-apiserver-kicker is running
Service snap.microk8s.daemon-proxy is running
Service snap.microk8s.daemon-kubelet is running
Service snap.microk8s.daemon-scheduler is running
Service snap.microk8s.daemon-controller-manager is running
Copy service arguments to the final report tarball
Inspecting AppArmor configuration
Gathering system information
Copy processes list to the final report tarball
Copy snap list to the final report tarball
Copy VM name (or none) to the final report tarball
Copy disk usage information to the final report tarball
Copy memory usage information to the final report tarball
Copy server uptime to the final report tarball
Copy current linux distribution to the final report tarball
Copy openSSL information to the final report tarball
Copy network configuration to the final report tarball
Inspecting kubernetes cluster
Inspect kubernetes cluster
Building the report tarball
Report tarball is at /var/snap/microk8s/1769/inspection-report-20201104_052842.tar.gz
sandeep@microk8snode1:~$ systemctl status snap.microk8s.daemon-apiserver
● snap.microk8s.daemon-apiserver.service - Service for snap application microk8s.daemon-apiserver
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.microk8s.daemon-apiserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: signal) since Wed 2020-11-04 04:48:42 UTC; 1h 26min ago
Process: 538126 ExecStart=/usr/bin/snap run microk8s.daemon-apiserver (code=killed, signal=SEGV)
Main PID: 538126 (code=killed, signal=SEGV)
Nov 04 04:48:42 microk8snode1 systemd[1]: snap.microk8s.daemon-apiserver.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 9.
Nov 04 04:48:42 microk8snode1 systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application microk8s.daemon-apiserver.
Nov 04 04:48:42 microk8snode1 systemd[1]: snap.microk8s.daemon-apiserver.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Nov 04 04:48:42 microk8snode1 systemd[1]: snap.microk8s.daemon-apiserver.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.
Nov 04 04:48:42 microk8snode1 systemd[1]: Failed to start Service for snap application microk8s.daemon-apiserver.