Banzai Cloud is a cloud-native software company that builds Pipeline, a managed Cloud Native application and devops platform, featuring tools for managing multi- and hybrid-cloud Kubernetes deployments. Pipeline is open source, and Banzai Cloud has many other rinteresting open-source projects, including a Kubernetes distribution, and operators for things like Vault, Kafka and Istio. Adam and Craig talk to its co-founder and CTO, Janos Matyas, who is based in Budapest, but is spiritually of Oahu, Hawaii.
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Chatter of the week
- Is this what childrens music has become?
- Dogs That Look Like Their Owners
News of the week
- Kubernetes 1.15 is released
- Announcing Envoy Mobile
- kubectl cp vulnerability
- Kontena Pharos 2.4
- CNCF announces SIGs
- Aqua Security 4.2
- Scytale Enteprise 1.0
- Diamanti 2019 Container Survey (PDF)
- Fast key-value stores: An idea whose time has come and gone
Links from the interview
- Banzai Cloud
- Pipeline
- Cloud pricing info
- Telescopes
- Banzai PKE for Azure and AWS
- Operators:
- CoreOS’ Operator Framework and SDK
- Bank Vaults and source
- Logging Operator and source
- Kafka Operator and source
- Istio Operator and source
- The Banzai Pipeline surf spot
- Janos Matyas on Twitter