In the Chinese network environment, due to the inability to access Google registry, image pull issues (ImagePullBackOff) are often encountered during installation.
Usually, it is necessary to build a private registry or find a domestic image of another Google registry. But this cannot completely solve the problem, and there are many limitations. In general, private registries do not support multi-level structures such as k8s. gcr. io/expression nginx/controller: v1.8.0(Google Cloud console), which do not match domain names. You still need to manually download (docker image save [tag]>***.tar), re tag, and finally import (microk8s crt image import ***.tar).
I have encountered pull issues with the following images
Can we add some launch parameters to simplify the initial installation and startup actions?
microk8s start --pause=[pause_tag] --metrics-server=[metrics-server_tag] …