Reduce syslog messages -- created/removed slice

Is there a way to reduce the amount of logging to syslog from worker nodes specifically these types of messages:

  • Created slice
  • Removed slice
  • dependencies.scope: Scope has no PIDs. Refusing.
  • Failed to get RecentStats(…) while determining the next housekeeping: unable to find data in memory cache

They are inundating syslog.

Feb 5 15:35:12 kubernetes-worker-wehzx syslog Removed slice libcontainer_118496_systemd_test_default.slice.
Feb 5 15:35:12 kubernetes-worker-wehzx syslog libcontainer-118503-systemd-test-default-dependencies.scope: Scope has no PIDs. Refusing.
Feb 5 15:35:12 kubernetes-worker-wehzx syslog libcontainer-118503-systemd-test-default-dependencies.scope: Scope has no PIDs. Refusing.
Feb 5 15:35:12 kubernetes-worker-wehzx syslog Created slice libcontainer_118503_systemd_test_default.slice.
Feb 5 15:35:12 kubernetes-worker-wehzx syslog Removed slice libcontainer_118503_systemd_test_default.slice..
Feb 5 15:35:12 kubernetes-worker-wehzx syslog W0205 21:35:30.758149    2536 container.go:422] Failed to get RecentStats("/libcontainer_119042_systemd_test_default.slice") while determining the next housekeeping: unable to find data in memory cache

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.14.9-00
Cloud being used: bare-metal
Installation method: kubeadm
Host OS: Ubuntu 18.04
Networking: Flannel

Load-balancer replacement: MetalLB
Persistent volume replacement: StorageOS