Setting up comprehensive centralized logging with AWS Services for Kubernetes

Outcold Solutions is happy to announce our new integration with Amazon Web Services, that allows you to implement a comprehensive centralized logging solution with AWS Services.

Why you might be interested to read this blog post?

  1. You use kubectl logs ... command to get access to the logs, and you already found out that it doesn’t scale. You are looking for a comprehensive log management solution.
  2. You like your existing log management solution, but you are not satisfied with existing retention policies. Most service providers provide only 30 days of retention, and on-premises solutions require additional hardware resources to support more extended retention policy for logs.
  3. You are not satisfied with the price of your current log management solution. Below you can find a calculator to estimate the cost with AWS Services.
  4. You want to have a backup log management solution.

In this blog post we will use EKS cluster on AWS as an example and guide you through the setup of centralized logging solution with AWS Services using Collectord, a container-native software for log forwarding built by Outcold Solutions. We will use AWS Athena with S3, Glue and QuickSight as log management and analyzing tools with long retention period, and AWS Cloud Watch Logs as a log aggregation tool for building real-time alerts.