Stockage advice - bare metal kub cluster

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: Latest
Cloud being used: no => bare metal
Installation method:
Host OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
CNI and version:
CRI and version:

Hello everyone,

I’m having some questions about stockage in a bare metal kubernetes cluster.

Here is my setup :
1 hyper V : DELL server

  • 1 Master - Ubuntu 18.04, 400GB Free space
  • 1 Ansible
  • 1 Node3 - Ubuntu 18.04, Free space 400GB

Node1 : DELL server

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 2 hardrive of 1TB each

Node2 : DELL server

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 2 hardrive of 1TB each

What is the best solution here to have a distributed stockage system over all of those disks and so don’t have to worry about where to put my persistent volume ?

I read some stuff about Ceph but it seems to be a pain in the *** to configure …

Do you guys can advice something else ?

Thank you very much !
