We have a private secure registry (on Nexus), and I am able to pull from it using microk8s.docker
microk8s.docker login -u myname our.registry.url
microk8s.docker pull our.registry.url/testimage:1.0
When I try to do the same for a container in a pod definition, I get an error. I first create a secret:
microk8s.kubectl create secret docker-registry kubernetes-production-docker-registry \
--docker-server=our.registry.url:443 \
--docker-username=akaihola \
--docker-password=******** \
I then create a Pod definition (testpod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: testpod
- name: testcontainer
image: our.registry.url:443/testimage:1.0
- name: docker-registry
Create the Pod:
microk8s.kubectl create -f testpod.yaml
microk8s.kubectl describe pod testpod
But what I see in the events list is:
Warning Failed 2s kubelet, mylaptop
Failed to pull image "our.registry.url:443/testimage:1.0":
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon:
Get https://our.registry.url:443/v2/testimage/manifests/1.0:
no basic auth credentials
Does microk8s miss the capability to use external private secure registry? Do I need something like the registry-creds plugin in minikube?