We have published a series of Kubernetes tutorials. Need feedback on these tutorials

We like Kubernetes so much that we wrote a series of tutorials to help DevOps people to understand more about this tool and how to use it to the full potential. Below is the list of Kubernetes tutorials we have written and need feedback on the same. This will motivate us to write and help more,

  1. Kubernetes Tutorial: Using Secrets In Your Application
    Kubernetes tutorial showing how you can use secrets in your application deployed to Kubernetes on GKE, with sample code and detailed instructions.

  2. Kubernetes Tutorial: how to pull a private docker image in a pod
    Kubernetes tutorial showing how you can easily hookup imagePullSecrets to your pod using Shippable.

  3. Kubernetes Tutorial: Attaching A Volume Mount To Your Application
    Kubernetes tutorial showing how you can attach a volume mount for your application deployed to Kubernetes on GKE, with sample code and detailed instructions.

  4. Kubernetes Tutorial: Deploying a load-balanced Docker application
    Kubernetes tutorial showing how to deploy a Docker application to a GKE cluster using labels. Multi-stage workflow with CI, deployment into test and prod.

Share your feedback:)


Liked your tutorials. If you have a tutorial series or a complete tutorial, I request you to submit it on Kubernetes community-curated tutorials here: https://hackr.io/tutorials/learn-kubernetes

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