This was originally on a page in the Kubernetes github but it probably fits better here, I am marking this as a wiki so anyone can contribute links to it, good luck have fun!
Kubernetes Resources
- Awesome Kubernetes
- CNCF Blog
- Dev.To
- Heptio Blog
- KubeTips
- KubeWeekly
- Kubedex
- Kubernetes Blog
- Kubernetes Enhancements Repo
- Kubernetes Forum
- Last Week in Kubernetes Development
- Medium
- The New Stack: CI/CD With Kubernetes
- The New Stack: Kubernetes Deployment & Security Patterns
- The New Stack: Kubernetes Solutions Directory
- The New Stack: State of Kubernetes Ecosystem
- The New Stack: Use-Cases for Kubernetes
- Weaveworks Blog
- BrightTALK Webinars
- Ceph YouTube Channel
- CNCF YouTube Channel
- Heptio YouTube Channel
- Joe Hobot YouTube Channel
- Kubernetes YouTube Channel
- Lachlan Evenson YouTube Channel
- Rancher YouTube Channel
- Rook YouTube Channel
- Tigera YouTube Channel
- Weaveworks YouTube Channel