Add-on: gpu

This addon enables NVIDIA GPU support on MicroK8s using the NVIDIA GPU Operator and offers:

  • Use of any existing NVIDIA host drivers, or compilation and loading of kernel drivers dynamically at runtime.
  • Installation and configuration of the nvidia-container-runtime for containerd.
  • Configuration of the kubelet device plugin, to support resource capacity and limits on GPU nodes.
  • Multi-instance GPU (MIG) configuration via ConfigMap resources.

You can enable this addon with the following command:

microk8s enable gpu

NOTE: The GPU addon is supported on MicroK8s versions 1.22 or newer. For MicroK8s 1.21, see GPU addon on MicroK8s 1.21.

NOTE: For MicroK8s 1.25 or older, if you see an an error similar to

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to download "nvidia/gpu-operator" at version "v22.9.0"

You can instead try:

microk8s helm repo update nvidia
microk8s enable gpu

Verify installation

Verify that all components are deployed and configured correctly with:

microk8s kubectl logs -n gpu-operator-resources -lapp=nvidia-operator-validator -c nvidia-operator-validator

which should return:

all validations are successful

Deploy a test workload

Once the GPU addon is enabled, workloads can request the GPU using a limit setting, e.g. 1. For example, you can run a cuda-vector-add test pod with:

microk8s kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: cuda-vector-add
  restartPolicy: OnFailure
    - name: cuda-vector-add
      image: ""

And then check the podā€™s logs to verify that everything is okay:

microk8s kubectl logs cuda-vector-add

where a successful run would produce logs similar to:

[Vector addition of 50000 elements]
Copy input data from the host memory to the CUDA device
CUDA kernel launch with 196 blocks of 256 threads
Copy output data from the CUDA device to the host memory

You are ready to run GPU workloads on your MicroK8s cluster!

Addon configuration options

NOTE: These require MicroK8s revision $REVISION$ or newer. Check the installed revision with snap list microk8s.

In the microk8s enable gpu command, the following command-line arguments may be set:

Argument Default Description
--driver $driver auto Supported values are auto (use host driver if found), host (force use the host driver), or operator (force use the operator driver).
--version $VERSION v1.10.1 Version of the GPU operator to install.
--toolkit-version $VERSION `` If not empty, override the version of the nvidia-container-runtime that will be installed.
--set-as-default-runtime / --no-set-as-default-runtime true Set the default containerd runtime to nvidia.
--set $key=$value `` Set additional configuration options to the GPU operator Helm chart. May be passed multiple times. For a list of options see values.yaml.
--values $file `` Set additional configuration options to the GPU operator Helm chart using a file. May be passed multiple times. For a list of options see values.yaml.

Use host drivers and runtime

Use host NVIDIA drivers

The GPU addon works with the existing NVIDIA host drivers (if available), otherwise it will deploy the nvidia-driver-daemonset to dynamically build and load the NVIDIA drivers into the kernel.

In order to use host drivers, install the NVIDIA drivers before enabling the addon:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-headless-510-server nvidia-utils-510-server

Verify that drivers are loaded by checking nvidia-smi:


Then enable the addon:

microk8s enable gpu

Use host nvidia-container-runtime

The GPU addon will automatically install nvidia-container-runtime, which is the runtime required to execute GPU workloads on the MicroK8s cluster. This is done by the nvidia-container-toolkit-daemonset pod.

If needed, this section documents how you to install the nvidia-container-runtime manually. The steps below should be performed before enabling the GPU addon.

Install nvidia-container-runtime following the upstream instructions. At the time of writing, the instructions for Ubuntu hosts look like this:

curl -s -L | \
  sudo apt-key add -
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-container-runtime.list | \
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-runtime.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-container-runtime

This will install nvidia-container-runtime in /usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime. Next, edit the containerd configuration file so that it knows where to find the runtime binaries for the nvidia runtime:

echo '
          runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2"

            BinaryName = "/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime"
' | sudo tee -a /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/containerd-template.toml

Restart MicroK8s to reload the containerd configuration:

sudo snap restart microk8s

Finally, enable the gpu addon and make sure that the toolkit daemonset is not deployed:

microk8s enable gpu --set toolkit.enabled=false

Configure NVIDIA Multi-Instance GPU

NVIDIA Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) expands the performance and value of NVIDIA H100, A100 and A30 Tensor Core GPUs. MIG can partition the GPU into as many as seven instances, each fully isolated with its own high-bandwidth memory, cache, and compute cores. This allows for serving workloads under guaranteed quality of service (QoS) while extending the reach of accelerated computing resources to every user.

After enabling the GPU addon in MicroK8s on a host with an NVIDIA GPU that supports MIG, the GPU operator will automatically deploy the nvidia-mig-manager daemonset on the cluster. Configuring the GPU card on the node to enable MIG is done by setting an appropriate label on the Kubernetes node.

Enable MIG

  1. First, ensure that your GPU card has support for MIG. If that is the case, then nvidia-mig-manager should be running in the cluster, and the node should have a label. Verify this with:

    microk8s kubectl get pod -A -lapp=nvidia-mig-manager

    ā€¦ which would return an output similar to:

    NAMESPACE                NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    gpu-operator-resources   nvidia-mig-manager-52mhg   1/1     Running   0          5h57m

    Also, ensure that the node has the label:

    microk8s kubectl describe node $node | grep

    ā€¦ the output then should show the relevant labels and their values:

  2. Set the label on the node with the MIG configuration you want to apply. In our example, we have an NVIDIA A100 40GB card, and we will use the all-1g.5gb profile, which segments an NVIDIA A100 card to 7 1g.5gb GPU instance profiles:

    microk8s kubectl label node $node

    This will automatically apply any configuration required on the GPU card to enable MIG, and will restart any running GPU workloads for the changes to take effect.

    NOTE: The label value should match one of the profiles found in the gpu-operator-resources/default-mig-parted-config ConfigMap. You can see the default list of profiles (along with the supported cards for each using the following command).

    sudo microk8s kubectl get configmap -n gpu-operator-resources default-mig-parted-config -o template --template '{{ index .data "config.yaml" }}' | less

    NOTE: Consult the NVIDIA MIG partitioning documentation for the naming scheme and a more detailed explanation on the subject.

  3. mig-manager will report the result by setting the label on the node. Check it with microk8s kubectl describe node $node | grep If the configuration has been successful, the labels should look like this:


    In case of a failure, consult the logs from the nvidia-mig-manager pod for details:

    microk8s kubectl logs -n gpu-operator-resources -lapp=nvidia-mig-manager
  4. Finally, use nvidia-smi to verify that 7 GPU instances are now available for use:

    Run the following command on the nvidia-driver-daemonset:

    microk8s kubectl exec -it -n gpu-operator-resources daemonset/nvidia-driver-daemonset -- nvidia-smi -L

    ā€¦ which will produce output similar to:

    Defaulted container "nvidia-driver-ctr" out of: nvidia-driver-ctr, k8s-driver-manager (init)
    GPU 0: NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB (UUID: GPU-c5185459-3273-c6e2-90f0-39d86b34e76d)
      MIG 1g.5gb      Device  0: (UUID: MIG-1c817b48-ee26-5471-851a-eed01baea921)
      MIG 1g.5gb      Device  1: (UUID: MIG-48f14d22-c8c9-5144-8e3a-69204b70c936)
      MIG 1g.5gb      Device  2: (UUID: MIG-d658d644-b5f2-57a5-939d-c80c15ab4d9d)
      MIG 1g.5gb      Device  3: (UUID: MIG-775c8fd6-dc7d-5ed3-8e57-003a741fcef6)
      MIG 1g.5gb      Device  4: (UUID: MIG-0845bff0-9cdc-5f24-aaf3-55f679682651)
      MIG 1g.5gb      Device  5: (UUID: MIG-be49e572-62ef-599c-a113-350a7c06bced)
      MIG 1g.5gb      Device  6: (UUID: MIG-6370eedd-389c-58dc-8b57-b435a656a45a)

    For more configuration options or extra MIG configuration strategies, consult the official NVIDIA documentation


GPU addon features

  • Use the existing NVIDIA host drivers, or build the drivers and load to the kernel dynamically at runtime.
  • Automatically install and configure the nvidia-container-runtime for containerd.
  • Configure the kubelet device plugin, to support resource capacity and limits on GPU nodes.
  • Multi-instance GPU (MIG) can be configured using ConfigMap resources.

GPU addon components

The GPU addon will install and configure the following components on the MicroK8s cluster:

  • nvidia-feature-discovery: Runs feature discovery on all cluster nodes, to detect GPU devices and host capabilities.
  • nvidia-driver-daemonset: Runs in all GPU nodes of the cluster, builds and loads the NVIDIA drivers into the running kernel.
  • nvidia-container-toolkit-daemonset: Runs in all GPU nodes of the cluster. Once the NVIDIA drivers are loaded, installs the nvidia-container-runtime binaries and configures the nvidia runtime on containerd accordingly. By default, it sets the default runtime to nvidia, so all pod workloads can use the GPU.
  • nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset: Runs in all GPU nodes of the cluster, and configures the kubelet device plugin. This is used to configure resource capacity and limits for the GPU nodes.
  • nvidia-operator-validator: Validates that the NVIDIA drivers, container runtime and the kubelet device plugin have been configured correctly. Finally, it executes an example cuda workload.

A complete installation of the GPU operator looks like this (output of microk8s kubectl get pod -n gpu-operator-resources):

NAME                                       READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE    IP            NODE        NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
nvidia-container-toolkit-daemonset-mjbk8   1/1     Running     0          110m   machine-0   <none>           <none>
nvidia-cuda-validator-xj2kx                0/1     Completed   0          109m   machine-0   <none>           <none>
nvidia-dcgm-nvqnz                          1/1     Running     0          110m   machine-0   <none>           <none>
gpu-feature-discovery-dn6lt                1/1     Running     0          110m   machine-0   <none>           <none>
nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset-zg76f       1/1     Running     0          110m   machine-0   <none>           <none>
nvidia-device-plugin-validator-k6hdv       0/1     Completed   0          107m   machine-0   <none>           <none>
nvidia-dcgm-exporter-9vnc5                 1/1     Running     0          110m   machine-0   <none>           <none>
nvidia-operator-validator-ntvdj            1/1     Running     0          110m   machine-0   <none>           <none>

MicroK8s 1.21

MicroK8s version 1.21 is out of support since May 2022. The GPU addon included with MicroK8s 1.21 was an early alpha and is no longer functional.

Due to a problem with the way containerd is configured in MicroK8s versions 1.21 and older, the nvidia-toolkit-daemonset installed by the GPU operator is incompatible and leaves MicroK8s in a broken state.

It is recommended to update to a supported version of MicroK8s. However, it is possible to install the GPU operator by following the steps described in this GitHub gist.

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You should mention in the documentation that the runtime needs to be docker not containerd and therefore one should change the kubelet container runtime to docker like this:

Modify /var/snap/microk8s/current/args/kubelet:

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@geosp what MicroK8s version are you using? It has been some time since docker was removed in favor of containerd.

The ā€œobviouslyā€ statement could be improved. Itā€™s somewhat condescending, and glosses over details that many people find difficult.

Also, as of 1.21 I believe itā€™s really incomplete. Because if you just install the drivers and enable the add-on, it doesnā€™t work, with various pods in the gpu-operator-resources namespace complaining that no runtime for "nvidia" is configured.
This problem is pretty well documented for docker, but in containerd land, I canā€™t figure out how to solve it.

To use a GPU in docker-compose, my deployment.yaml looks like

    image: transcribe
    shm_size: '8gb'
            - capabilities: [gpu]

What is the equivalent for microk8s when enabling gpu?

In the 1.21 release the gpu operator was in an alpha state so it may give you a hard time. Could you please try the 1.22/stable track?

We use the manifest in microk8s/cuda-add.yaml at master Ā· ubuntu/microk8s Ā· GitHub to test the GPU.

The example given appears to be only for vector add (Iā€™m guessing based on the title of ā€œā€).

For docker / docker-compose, I install on the host a driver from Download Drivers | NVIDIA and select 460. This is all I need to do to give deep learning pytorch / tensorflow in containers the full capability of the gpu. A lot more than vector add. In fact, docker is pitched in pytorch as a way to avoid the need to understand and deal with a bunch of cuda and stuff on your host, just install the driver and let the container deal with everything else.

Are there any examples of pytorch or tensorflow in kubernetes containers using the GPU?

It works in 1.22, thanks. It also worked fine in 1.20, which made 1.21 extra confusing/frustrating.

If vector add works, pytorch and tensorflow will work just fine. Iā€™ve been doing this a long time, and itā€™s always been all-or-nothing with the cuda support inside containers. You might end up with a driver thatā€™s not quite as fast as another, but unless youā€™re measuring carefully you wouldnā€™t notice.

That said, if you want to see if pytorch works, just run

python -c "import torch; torch.cuda.is_available()"

That almost always works. (Occassionally it can get fooled into thinking thereā€™s a working GPU when there isnā€™t - like if your pytorch build was compiled without support for your cuda-compute level.)

If youā€™re using TensorFlow, Iā€™m sorry.

Wow, It workes wonderfully!
I misread ā€˜image: ā€œā€ā€™ as some sort of cuda driver, but I now see itā€™s just a test program to validate cuda.

Iā€™m using the 3006 stable for 1.22, but the error still says ā€œno runtime for nvidia is configuredā€