[Call for presentations] 2nd Workshop on Configuration Languages

Dear Kubernetes users,

I’m happy to announce CONFLANG, the second workshop on configuration languages, colocated at SPLASH 2023. Some of you may use a configuration language on top of plain YAML, such as Dhall, Ksonnet, Nickel, CUE, YAML templating languages, etc. Please consider submitting a talk if you have any opinion, experience or idea to share on this!

Feel free to share this CfP to any network or community you see fit.

Call for Presentations (Configuration Languages Workshop 2023 - CONFLANG23)

Event details


CONFLANG is a new workshop on the design, the usage and the tooling of configuration programming languages. CONFLANG aims at uniting language designers, industry practitioners and passionate hobbyists to share knowledge in any form. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Infrastructure and configuration code maintenance and evolution
  • Specification learning and mining for configurations
  • Infrastructure and Configuration testing and verification
  • Infrastructure as Code and configuration repair
  • New languages for configuration
  • The application of language security and type theory to program configuration

Call for Presentations

The committee welcomes proposals for presentations:

  • Traditional talks on any theoretical or practical aspect of the usage, the tooling and the design of configuration languages
  • Experience and case study talks on the real world usage and deployment of configuration languages
  • Explorative talks and/or demos on experimenting with configuration languages and related tools

Submission guidelines

Please submit an abstract (up to 600 words, excluding title, author names, and bibliography) of your proposed talk using the submission link provided below.

  • Format: 600 words maximum abstract (estimated between 1 and 1,5 pages) as a PDF, excluding title, author names, and bibliography. Any additional material will be considered at the discretion of the PC.
  • URL : https://conflang23.hotcrp.com/

Program chairs

  • Yann Hamdaoui (Tweag)
  • Jürgen Cito (TU Wien and Facebook)
  • Mark Santolucito (Columbia University)
  • Marcel van Lohuizen (CUE Lang)