Create and use a private insecure registry inside k8s cluster

I tried a few approaches already but all lead to failure. My end goal is to have a docker registry deployment and service inside a cluster. Build and push images to that registry. And finally create pods from those images. I think this should be doable but feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

I started by creating a deployment with one container registry:2 and then used buildah to build images and push them using --tls-verify=false argument, that worked fine. I then tried to add my service url to daemon.json under insecure-registries but I could not get docker to pick the change.

So I tried creating a self-signed certificate once with openssl and another time with cfssl and added it /etc/docker/certs.d/my-registry.default.svc.cluster.local:5000/. I also tried creating htpasswd but I always ran into errors like Error response from daemon: Get https://my-registry.default.svc.cluster.local:5000/v2/: Service Unavailable or ssl related errors.

Here is code for some of the stuff I tried:

I did most of testing using Docker Desktop on Mac but the end goal is for this to run on GKE.

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Hello, I am struggling with similar issues, but on microk8s
Whick k8s installation do you use on your desktop ?

your docker instance is not going to be aware of dns in kubernetes. You can verify this by simply trying to ping, or do an nslookup of the k8s dns entry. You will need to expose your registry via a service and ingress. And likely a load balancer. Then you would add the dns exposed by the ingress.