Default Backend 404

Hi Everyone Pardon me please, I’m new in using kubernetes. I have install it on ubuntu server 18.04 on aws ec2.
Kubernetes version v1.15
Error: default backend - 404

I’m trying to access the dashboard eg http:///Public IP/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/

I’m getting an error : default backend - 404 Can someone kindly direct me on how to fix the error please?


What was the steps to install the dashboard on the cluster?

1.Installed kubernetes through snap microk8s
enabled the following services: * storage * ingress * dns * istio* dashboard
2. verified kubernetes yml with this comand; ```
kubectl create -f
3. The enabled thedashboard through; sudo microk8s.enable dashboard
i can see the dashboard running even it Generated a token