Flux CD moves into CNCF Sandbox and releases 1.14.0

CNCF Sandbox

Flux CD is now part of the CNCF Sandbox. The team is very proud and finished the move of all bits in the past weeks.

Read the announcement to read the full backstory: https://www.weave.works/blog/flux-joins-the-cncf-sandbox

Flux 1.14.0 adds Git read-only mode, “fluxctl install” and more

Flux 1.14.0

@hiddeco hiddeco released this 2019-08-21

This feature release adds a read-only mode to the Flux daemon, adds support for mapping images in HelmRelease resources using YAML dot notation annotations, eases the deployment of Flux with a new fluxctl install command which generates the required YAML manifests, lots of documentation improvements, and many more.


  • Fetch before branch check to detect upstream changes made after the initial clone fluxcd/flux#2371


  • With --git-readonly , fluxd can now sync a git repo without having write access to it. In this mode, fluxd will not make any commits to the repo. fluxcd/flux#1807
  • Mapping images in HelmRelease resources using YAML dot notation annotations is now supported fluxcd/flux#2249
  • fluxctl has a new install command to ease generating the YAML manifests required to deploy Flux fluxcd/flux#2287
  • Kubectl and Kustomize have been upgraded
  • The annotation domain has been changed to fluxcd.io , but backwards compatibility with the old ( flux.weave.works ) domain is maintained fluxcd/flux#2219
  • The number of sorts done by ListImagesWithOptions has been reduced fluxcd/flux#2338
  • fluxctl will only look for running fluxcd pods while attempting to setup a port forward fluxcd/flux#2283
  • --registry-poll-interval has been renamed to --automation-interval to better reflect what it controls; the interval at which automated workloads are checked for updates, and updated. fluxcd/flux#2284
  • fluxctl now has a global --timeout flag, which controls how long it waits for jobs sent to fluxd to complete fluxcd/flux#2056

Maintenance and documentation


Many thanks for contributions from 2opremio, AndriiOmelianenko, GODBS, JDavis10213, MehrCurry, Sleepy-GH, adusumillipraveen, ainmosni, alanjcastonguay, aliartiza75, autarchprinceps, @benmathews, blancsys, carlosjgp, cristian-radu, cristian04, davidkarlsen, @dcherman, demisx, derrickburns, @dholbach, ethan-daocloud, fred, gldraphael, @hiddeco, hlascelles, ianmiell, ilya-spv, jacobsin, judewin-alef, jwenz723, kaspernissen, knackaron, ksaritek, larhauga, laverya, linuxbsdfreak, @luxas, matthewbednarski, mhumeSF, mzachh, nabadger, obiesmans, ogerbron, onedr0p, paulmil1, primeroz, rhockenbury, runningman84, rytswd, semyonslepov, @squaremo, @stealthybox, @stefanprodan, stefansedich, suvl, tjanson, tomaszkiewicz, tomcheah, tschonnie, @ttarczynski, willholley, yellowmegaman, zcourt.