How to access the same PV from one K8s cluster to another k8s cluster

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version:1.19.16
Cloud being used: bare-metal with Ceph storage on premise
Installation method:
Host OS: CentOS Linux 8 (Core)
CNI and version: 10-flannel.conflist

I want to know, how do I use the PV created by first Kubernetes Cluster to be used by another Kubernetes Cluster. This is because, I need to move my existing deployment which is in first K8s Cluster to another new K8s cluster, but all data is on the PV that was created by the first K8s Custer. Here PV is from the Ceph Storage which is being used by both the clusters. Manually moving data of 117TB takes time and downtime of the setup.

Please help me with steps that I can follow and get it deployed.


Did you find a solution for that?

I meet the same problem