How to config insecure-port and insecure-bind-address for k8s 1.25.3

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.25.3
Cloud being used: (put bare-metal if not on a public cloud)
Installation method: apt install kubelet kubeadm kubectl
Host OS: Ubuntu
CNI and version:
CRI and version:

when I configed –insecure-port and –insecure-bind-address in /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml , and I found error as follow,but in v1.18.x,it works well.Does k8s v1.25.3 not support insecure port or address? And if not , how to config it to allow public network to access apiserver without auth

The connection to the server ip1:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?