How to simulate IAAS cloud and Kubernetes on top of it using my local workstation?As I just started my PHD and I need to understand in detail how does everything work in scheduling, migratiion and vertical-horizontal scale of containers inside cloud

Please if someone can guide me with the architecture I have to deploy using one single workstation only to undertand how cloud works, how orchestration works and how containers work for micro service applications. I appreciate a lot your help.

Thank you.Megi

For testing Kubernetes locally, I recommend KinD (Kubernetes in Docker). It will help you to create (and destroy) multiple clusters quickly.

Using KindD you’ll be able to test your assumptions and see if they work as you expect them to; to understand how things work, probably you just need to read the documentation thoroughly. For example, for pod scheduling, start with Kubernetes Scheduler.

Regardiinng IaaS and “cloud”, things might be a little more complicate to simulate locally. Some things may be very difficult to simulate locally, specially with just one workstation. If you reduce the scope to just “general concepts”, you may be able to simulate them using nothing else than Kubernetes. For example, a cloud provider is a service that manages resources for you via an API. This is what Kubernetes does, but instead of spinning up virtual machines, you get pods; instead of “autoscaling groups” you get Deployments with HPA (horizontal pod autoscaler), instead of load balancers, you get “services”, RBAC for IAM and so on… For other typical cloud provider services like monitoring you may need to install something like Prometheus, etc. You also interact with the Kubernetes API using some IaC like Terraform/OpenTofu like you would with your cloud provider of choice…