Is there a way to specify daemonset(s) whose pod(s) eviction should not be carried out but evict pods of other daemonsets as well as non-daemonsets based pods?
From the output of
kubectl drain --help
The effect of the default value of --ignore-daemonsets is briefly explained as follows
Ignore DaemonSet-managed pods.
But what is the longer explanation of this setting (" --ignore-daemonsets=false").
Does it
- Remove also remove (evict) daemonset based pod(s) from the node along with other pods.
- Does it keep the daemonset based pod(s) that currently on the given node while the non-daemonset based pods are evicted from the given node?
Cluster information:
Kubernetes version: v1.24.2
Cloud being used: none (N/A)
Installation method: on-premises
Host OS: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
CNI and version: Calico v3.24.0
CRI and version: CRI-O v1.24.2