Kubernetes 1.14 released!

Hi all,

Kubernetes 1.14.0 (“Caturnetes”) is now available! More info is available in the Kubernetes 1.14 Blog Post.

Head to the v1.14.0 GitHub Release page to find downloads, and be sure to read the changelog to take any necessary steps prior to upgrading. You’ll also find .rpm and .deb files where you expect them to be.

I’d like to thank the Kubernetes 1.14 release team for all of their amazing work these past three months, and for tolerating my plethora of cat T-shirts. I’d also like to thank everyone who contributed these past three months and put up with all of the KEP puns. This was, as always, a community effort.

We ended up with more stable enhancements this release than any prior release of Kubernetes. Some of these represent years of continued work. That is no small feat. Take some time to celebrate.

Finally, we will be taking over this week’s Kubernetes Community meeting for a retrospective on the release process. Please add any questions/comments/concerns you have to the 1.14 retro doc.