Kubernetes 1.20 Released!

Hello, Kubernetes Community!

Kubernetes 1.20.0 (“The Raddest Release”) is now available! More info is available in the Kubernetes 1.20 blog post and via the release notes.

You can download v1.20.0 via the GitHub release page. You’ll also find .rpm and .deb files where you expect them to be.

On behalf of the Kubernetes community, I would like to thank the Kubernetes 1.20 release team for their tireless work over the last few months. I also want to give a shout out to all the contributors who worked on new enhancements, bug fixes, documentation, or any other contribution that has made 1.20 possible!

Finally, we will be hosting the Kubernetes 1.20 retro on Thursday, December 17th. Please add any questions/comments/concerns you have to the 1.20 retro doc.

Thank you!,

Jeremy (1.20 release lead)