Kubernetes v1.30 Uwubernetes Released

Howdy, Kubernetes Community!

Kubernetes v1.30: Uwubernetes has been released and is now available :tada:. More details can be found in the Kubernetes v1.30 blog post [0] and in the release notes [1].

Packages for v1.30.0 are available via the GitHub Releases page [2]. Debian and RPM packages are available through package managers. For details, please see the email from the Branch Managers [3].

Code freeze for v1.30 has now been lifted, and both kubernetes/kubernetes and kubernetes/website have been thawed.

HUGE thanks to my incredible release team [4], SIG Release leadership, and each and every one of you.

Our second retro meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 24 April. See you there!

Stay cute!


Kat Cosgrove

Kubernetes v1.30 Release Team Lead

On behalf of the Release Team


any chance you should share who made that logo? can’t seem to find any credits at first glance

:point_right: :point_left:

Yeah! I commissioned Kefimochi on Twitter for this.

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is there any chance to buy this as a sticker, or to release the svg to print it oneself? this is just such an amazing logo design that I would love to have it on the back of my laptop. :point_right: :point_left:

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I agree! The logo is to hecking cute, I’d love it as a sticker for my devices :3
I mean I run Kubernetes clusters and I’m a foxgirl so it is just perfect fit. UwU

I’m not going to sell swag, but if you see me at a conference I’ll almost certainly have stickers with me. Y’all will have to give me a couple days, but email me directly at kat.cosgrove@gmail.com and I’ll see about handing out the high resolution files. :3

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