I’m wanting to use kubernetes as a webserver. I created a asp.net application just saying Hello-World. I dockerised it and published it to Kubbernetes. The container started up and then backed off saying terminated completed exit code 0. So it looks like its ok, but didnt get chance to browse to webpage to view.
Is this the same with all asp.net apps, how do I create a website that I can browse to?
I see some people are using Nginx , but I want to use a kubernetes loadbalancer.
I see many articles on creating asp.net applications for kubernetes, but do they startup and shut down the same?
I want a webserver like IIS or Apache on kubernetes I can access and view pages.
I want to do this for asp.net and maybe php, what are my options?
Have I not created a website and instead just an app that executes and then finishes?
Can someone help?
cheers Mike