Now Selecting Release Team Shadows for 1.15

We are now open for applications to become a Release Team Shadow for the
1.15 Release Team. Shadowing is a good way to learn about the team,
Kubernetes releases, and roles on the team to be a future Release Lead.
It’s also a great way to learn more about the entire Kubernetes community.

We have a shadow application process which starts with filling out a
form, here.

After this, 1-3 shadows per role will be selected by the current Role
Leads, Release Lead, and me.

If you have problems accessing Google Forms (because, for example,
you’re in China), then please contact me directly with your


As a 1.14 Release Team Shadow myself, I can speak on the benefits of this program.

You get to experience first hand the dynamics of managing a large open source project, meet really smart individuals from around the US and the world (from different companies), get to use different tools, learn best practices and apply it to your career. This is one of the best ways to get involved with the k8 community, even if you’re a newbie.

I was a Release Branch Management shadow and now the lead for v1.15, so apply now and we’ll work together! :smile:

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Sounds like an awesome experience! Hoping to have enough time to volunteer during the 1.16 release cycle.

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