Office hours is where we have Kubernetes developers take live questions from the audience and then answer them in the livestream, so if you’ve got a question that’s been bugging you that you really need an answer to drop by and give us a chance!
We’ll also have Kubernetes swag that we’ll be raffling off to participants - so if you’ve always yearned for a k8s tshirt or socks then this could be your chance!
Just a reminder that we’re going to be going live this Wednesday, if you want to ask questions in the slack channel or put them in this thread we’ll read your question live on the air!
Question around ingress, what happens if the path of different ingress resources for same ingress controller and in same namespace are partly overlapping each other? Will both be functional? If not, which one will be used?
First ingress routes /hello
Second ingress routes /hello/message
What happens in request for…
Just to point out, the time of day related to UTC for Europe is wrong. Both London and Berlin are in summer time now, so London is UTC+1 and Berlin is UTC+2 currently (opposed to 2pm UTC in the
@errordeveloper The list of recommendations was very insightful! At ~ 53rd minute, you recommend not to use scratch as a base for a go binary. Why is that?