Please refrain from posting CKA/CKAD exam content or cheatsheets here

Hi everyone, recently we’ve had people posting answers to the CKA exam here. This is a reminder that publishing exam content is in severe violation of the CNCF Certification and Confidentiality Agreement candidates sign at exam registration (it is considered cheating). If you see CKA or CKAD content here please flag it and we’ll clean it up.

Violations could result in a revoked certification, a temporary ban, or possibly a permanent one. The CNCF works very hard to create fair and challenging exams in support of the K8s community. We ask that you take the security and integrity of these exams seriously and do not post exam content.
Please help keep discuss friendly and on topic, thanks!

Update for Spring 2020:

People have been attempting to hide exam content, or cheatsheets for use during the exam in existing threads. Our volunteers are sick of cleaning up this site for cheaters, so moving forward we will ruthlessly ban anyone posting this content without exception, thanks for understanding.

Update for Spring 2021

People continue to post CKA/CKAD exam content or cheatsheets. As a reminder, accounts posting this kind of content are banned without question.

If you find yourself legitimately being accidentally banned, please send an email to community[@] and it will be looked into.



I’m about to publish a long documentation about Kubernetes fundamentals, to prepare the CKA & CKAD certifications.

I would not like to be in violation with the CNCF Certification and Confidentiality Agreement by accidentally publishing exam content.

Would the CNCF be interested in having a look at my documentation and validate that the contents is not in contradiction with the agreement?


@felony I know this is a late reply, but I think that’d be fine. The content/accounts that have been removed have been posting snippets, off-topic content, or explicit instructions for some of the CKA/CKAD questions in semi-related threads.

Folks, this site isn’t allowed for use during the exams. See the docs here:

We delete and ban accounts that post that sort of content as soon as we find them.

how is this