I’m trying to get minikube up and running inside a docker-in-docker image for integration-testing purposes. The general idea is to be able to have a container-image in gitlab containing a minikube, which can be spun up and populated from a kubectl externally from the container.
Currently, I am able to build the container, based on docker:dind and spin up minikube. I can access minikube inside the container, but I can not access it from the host (outside the container). It feels like I am pretty close, and just overlooks something obvious.
I have made a small example of what I am trying to achieve. In the example, root is running minikube, but this is just to keep the example short. A brief step by step of what I do:
- Creating a docker-image based on docker:dind, populated with minikube and kubectl
- Starting the container in privileged daemon-mode, exposing a port and with a mounted directory
- Starting minikube in docker exec and ensuring that kubectl works
- Copying all relevant files for the kubeconfig to the mounted dir to make them accessible from the host
- Ensuring the the kubeconfig works from inside the container
- Trying to use the kubeconfig from the host - this fails.
Any help and pointers a very much appreciated.
It should be possible to copy and paste this script into a file and make it run. If not, please let me know.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# 1. Create docker image
# The port seems a little flaky. Sometimes it is 49154 and sometimes it is 32769.
cat > Dockerfile <<EOF
FROM docker:dind
RUN apk add bash
# If the docker-group is created, /var/run/docker.sock will be in that group....
RUN addgroup docker
RUN wget https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-amd64
RUN install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
RUN wget https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.12.0/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl -O kubectl
RUN chmod +x /kubectl
RUN mv kubectl /usr/local/bin
docker build -t $CONTAINER_TAG -f Dockerfile .
# 2. Start container
# minikubes kubectl is exposed on port 49154
docker run -d --privileged --name $CONTAINER_NAME -p $KUBECTL_PORT:$KUBECTL_PORT -v $PWD/data:/data $CONTAINER_TAG
# 3. Start minikube
docker exec -i $CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash <<EOF
# Wait for docker to be up and running...
while ! docker ps
echo "Waiting for docker daemon"
sleep 1
# start minikube allowing for remote access
# (see https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/14364)
minikube start --force --apiserver-ips=`hostname -i` --listen-address=
# ensure kubectl works
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
# 4. Copy necessary kubectl-files to /data to allow them
# to be used from the host
cp /root/.kube/config /data/.
cp /root/.minikube/ca.crt /data/.
cp /root/.minikube/profiles/minikube/client.crt /data/.
cp /root/.minikube/profiles/minikube/client.key /data/.
# Change paths
sed -i 's/\/root\/\.minikube\/profiles\/minikube\///g' /data/config
sed -i 's/\/root\/\.minikube\///g' /data/config
# Change server:
sed -i 's/'"$KUBECTL_PORT"'/g' /data/config
# Need to make the files readable to access them from the host
chmod o+r /data/*
# 5. Test kubeconfig inside container
# Test the newly created kubeconfig
kubectl --kubeconfig /data/config get pods --all-namespaces
# 6. Test kubeconfig from host
# Now I would expect to be able to remotely access kubectl inside the container
# using the kubeconfig in data/config:
echo "Calling kubectl from host..."
kubectl --kubeconfig data/config get pods --all-namespaces
# But it just hangs :(
# To stop and remove the containername:
# docker stop $CONTAINER_NAME ; docker rm $CONTAINER_NAME