Weavenet link has been removed from kubernetes.io site

Weavenet link has been removed from kubernetes.io site ?
The below one was available and noticed those are removed from the site.
kubectl apply -f “https://cloud.weave.works/k8s/net?k8s-version=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d ‘\n’)”
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/flannel/master/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml

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This was intentional - there is an initiative to remove 3rd party content from the kubernetes documentation in an effort to remain vendor neutral. For more information please see:

@learner_devops @mrbobbytables - The info you are looking for is still available here at this page -

kubectl apply -f “https://cloud.weave.works/k8s/net?k8s-version=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d ‘\n’)”

The latest documentation does not have this page. If the above command does not work, then use this:

curl -L https://github.com/weaveworks/weave/releases/download/latest_release/weave-daemonset-k8s-1.11.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Makes sense, but how they will do when a 3rd party solution is necessary during the exams, like install a CNI during the CKA exam? I saw the last version with the command was 1.22, but the documentation for this version was already removed.