Configure kubectl command to access remote minikube cluster on virtualbox debian VM

i have set up successfully on debian minikube with simple cluster
Debian VM :

umen@debian12:~$ kubectl get pods
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-77c947d946-jq2s4   1/1     Running   0          45m
hello-77c947d946-wm6n2   1/1     Running   0          45m

umen@debian12:~$ minikube service list -p multinode-demo
|  NAMESPACE  |    NAME    | TARGET PORT  |            URL            |
| default     | hello      |           80 | |
| default     | kubernetes | No node port |                           |
| kube-system | kube-dns   | No node port |                           |

umen@debian12:~$ curl
Hello from hello-77c947d946-wm6n2 (

As you see above all working

now In my windows host i try to connect this cluster
i downloaded the certificates from the debian server

vi ./kube/config_debian

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority: debian/ca.crt
    - extension:
        last-update: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 08:54:23 IDT
        version: v1.31.2
      name: cluster_info
  name: minikube
- context:
    cluster: minikube
    - extension:
        last-update: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 08:54:23 IDT
        version: v1.31.2
      name: context_info
    namespace: default
    user: minikube
  name: minikube
current-context: minikube
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: minikube
    client-certificate: debian/client.crt
    client-key: debian/client.key

when i try to connect im getting :

$ kubectl -v=8 --kubeconfig=config_debian get pods
I1023 10:55:55.058414   16936 loader.go:372] Config loaded from file:  config_debian
I1023 10:55:55.154616   16936 cert_rotation.go:137] Starting client certificate rotation controller
I1023 10:55:55.154616   16936 round_trippers.go:432] GET
I1023 10:55:55.155136   16936 round_trippers.go:438] Request Headers:
I1023 10:55:55.155136   16936 round_trippers.go:442]     Accept: application/json, */*
I1023 10:55:55.155136   16936 round_trippers.go:442]     User-Agent: kubectl.exe/v1.22.0 (windows/amd64) kubernetes/c2b5237
I1023 10:56:16.186405   16936 round_trippers.go:457] Response Status:  in 21031 milliseconds
I1023 10:56:16.186405   16936 round_trippers.go:460] Response Headers:
I1023 10:56:16.186405   16936 cached_discovery.go:121] skipped caching discovery info due to Get "": dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
I1023 10:56:16.188079   16936 round_trippers.go:432] GET
I1023 10:56:16.188079   16936 round_trippers.go:438] Request Headers:
I1023 10:56:16.188079   16936 round_trippers.go:442]     Accept: application/json, */*
I1023 10:56:16.188079   16936 round_trippers.go:442]     User-Agent: kubectl.exe/v1.22.0 (windows/amd64) kubernetes/c2b5237
I1023 10:56:37.192081   16936 round_trippers.go:457] Response Status:  in 21003 milliseconds
I1023 10:56:37.192189   16936 round_trippers.go:460] Response Headers:
I1023 10:56:37.192189   16936 cached_discovery.go:121] skipped caching discovery info due to Get "": dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
I1023 10:56:37.193955   16936 shortcut.go:89] Error loading discovery information: Get "": dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
I1023 10:56:37.194510   16936 round_trippers.go:432] GET
I1023 10:56:37.194510   16936 round_trippers.go:438] Request Headers:
I1023 10:56:37.195088   16936 round_trippers.go:442]     Accept: application/json, */*
I1023 10:56:37.195088   16936 round_trippers.go:442]     User-Agent: kubectl.exe/v1.22.0 (windows/amd64) kubernetes/c2b5237

and in virtual box i set the port forward like this :
enter image description here

The question is why i can’t connect to the remote cluster