MicroK8s v1.17 released!

MicroK8s is a Kubernetes cluster delivered as a single snap package - it can be installed on any Linux distribution which supports snaps. MicroK8s is small and simple to install and is a great way to stand up a cluster quickly for development and testing. Try it on your laptop!

snap install microk8s --classic --channel=1.17/stable

Most important updates since the last release:

  • New addon: kubeflow. Give it a try with microk8s.enable kubeflow.
  • MetalLB Loadbalancer addon, try it with microk8s.enable metallb. Thank you @dangtrinhnt for your efforts here.
  • Separate front proxy CA, courtesy of @giner
  • Linkerd updated to v2.6.0, thank you @balchua
  • Jaeger operator updated to v1.14.0
  • Updating prometheus operator (latest). Thanks @rlankfo
  • Istio upgraded to v1.3.4. Thank you @nobusugi246
  • Helm upgraded to 2.16.0, thank you @balchua, @fabrichter and @icanhazbroccoli
  • Helm status reported in microk8s.status, thank you @greenyouse
  • Set default namespace of microk8s.ctr to k8s.io, thank you @joestringer
  • Better exception handling in the clustering agent, thank you @shashi278
  • Fixes in cluster upgrades, courtesy of @strigona-worksight
  • microk8s.inspect now cleans priority and storage classes. Thank you @rbt
  • microk8s.inspect will detect missing cgroups v1 and suggest changes on Fedora 31. Thank you @soumplis

Users following the latest stable MicroK8s track will be automatically upgraded to 1.17 in the next couple of days.

For more information on MicroK8s consult the official docs, and to contribute to the project, check out the repo at https://github.com/ubuntu/microk8s, or chat with us on the Kubernetes Slack, in the #microk8s channel!