MicroK8s v1.16 released!

MicroK8s is a Kubernetes cluster delivered as a single snap package - it can be installed on any Linux distribution which supports snaps. MicroK8s is small and simple to install and is a great way to stand up a cluster quickly for development and testing. Try it on your laptop!

snap install microk8s --classic

Most important updates since the last release:

  • Clustering - MicroK8s nodes can be joined to create a multi-node cluster, see this post if you want to try it.
  • New Cilium addon courtesy of @joestringer. Try it with microk8s.enable cilium
  • New Helm addon courtesy of @joestringer. Try it with microk8s.enable helm
  • RBAC rules for CoreDNS and storage add ons, courtesy of @wichert.
  • Istio upgraded to v1.2.2 and now includes kiali
  • Knative upgraded to v0.9.0
  • Enabling of aggregation layer and fix on metrics server RBAC rules, thank you @giner
  • microk8s.reset has now an option to free the disk space reserved by storage volumes. Thank you @rzr
  • Ingress updated to v0.25.1, thank you @balchua
  • Improvements in the inspection script, thanks @giorgos-apo
  • Dashboard upgraded to 2.0.0 beta4

For more information on MicroK8s consult the official docs, and to contribute to the project, check out the repo at https://github.com/ubuntu/microk8s, or chat with us on the Kubernetes Slack, in the #microk8s channel!


I just installed the snap on my Ubuntu workstation and everything seems to be working great!