Site updates for August

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I posted an update, and you might have seen some new activity so I figure now would be a good time to post. I was travelling for lots of July so I apologize for not giving the site the attention it should have been receiving. This site will be getting more attention over the next few weeks and I thought I’d let you know how it’s going.

  • We’ve proposed moving kubernetes-users from google groups to here. We won’t be importing the list, but we will keep it around as an archive. Each member will then receive an invite to join us here. There’s about 3,600 potential new users there, so it’ll be a fun period of growth here really soon.
  • We have a new theme/skin coming
  • We’re investigating better ways to surface the forum on the main site. There is a new community page in progress that will make it more obvious to users that the site exists!


@jeefy has been working on automating processes for Kubernetes contributors. So things like Last Week in Kubernetes Development, actual Kubernetes releases from github, and content from the official blog and other related CNCF content will start to appear in the announcements section. Things in this section will eventually get tweeted and posted on the slack announcements channel, so the idea is to make one aggregator with all the things.

We’ve also started ingesting the events feed from the CNCF so that those are autoposted to the events section.

While this is all great, we don’t want to overdo it, so over the next week you’ll see a few autogenerated posts per day, but once it’s set up they’ll just follow the natural flow of things as they are released to the Kubernetes community.

Each piece of imported content will have a tag, so if you want the firehose you can follow the entire announcements category, or you can follow a specific tag for each piece. You can find more information on subscribing to topics here: Subscribing to topics and tags

Feedback in this area is appreciated. Is there something important that we should be following/importing? We can certainly adjust as this starts to come together, so please don’t be shy about giving us feedback?

How can you help?

Post something interesting! It doesn’t have to be a novel, you can link to interesting blog posts you’ve read, or announcements to your favorite software. We’re working hard to automate getting in the major things like releases, etc. but there’s this long tail of interesting tools in this space that we’d love to know more about.

Product/PM folks, the Announcements section also covers products. This site is community focused, so no hard vendor pitches, but if you’re building a tool for Kubernetes and want to let people know, this is the place to post it. If you’re unsure DM me and I’d be happy to review your copy.